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Welcome to Joint ICA Workshop "Cartography Connecting Schools" 2023.

Event organized within the activities previous to the 31st International Cartographic Conference of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) by Commissions on Cartography and Children and Commissions Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People.

Hybrid event, August 12th, 2023


Info & Deadlines

The commissions plan to organize the event in a hybrid way using the Google Meet platform and at Stellenbosch University (SU). More detailed information will be published here (and sent by email) later.

Authors of accepted abstracts and papers will be invited to present their work in English.

All the papers will all be presented orally. The abstract modality will have a fast presentation of 5 minutes, with the purpose of highlighting the main points of the research. The full papers will have 15 minutes for discussion.

Digital proceedings with ISBN code will be available to all registered participants.

Registration & Downloads

 Participation is free but limited, so registration is essential!




Contact & Organizing Committee

If you have any question related to the organization of the event, please send a message to:​​​

Carla Cristina R. G. de Sena, Chair, ICA Commission on Cartography and Children (Brazil)

Waldirene R. do Carmo, Chair, ICA Commission on Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (Brazil)

José Jesús Reyes Nunez, Vice-Chair, ICA Commission on Cartography and Children (Hungary)

Barbara G. Flaire Jordão, ICA Commission on Cartography and Children (Brazil)

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